A new management structure at MechTronic

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We are delighted to announce some exciting new developments at MechTronic. Martyn Wilkie who started the business in 2004 will become CEO of MechTronic, with his son, Brad Wilkie taking over the role of Managing Director.

Martyn has worked in the fuel industry since he left school and has a wealth of experience. In his new role of CEO, Martyn will continue to work with the management team, providing support and direction as and when required. This move will allow Martyn to step down from the day-to-day activities of running a highly successful business and enjoy some more free time at home.

Management structure

Brad will lead the management team as Managing Director. He has been with the company for 14 years and during this time, he has proved himself to be equipped with a range of skills and experience allowing him to progress to this position within the company.

To ensure that this change is a smooth progression. Simon Haigh will continue in his role as Technical Director with additional responsibilities for Patent Management. Vicky Wild will take on the role of Company Secretary, handling all Corporate Governance issues alongside her existing role as Finance Manager.

Martyn said: “MechTronic is a strong company with deep roots and is well equipped to meet any challenges. I am proud of the team we have built over the past 18 years, and I firmly believe that by stepping aside from the day to day, will allow a more youthful and vigorous management team to continue the journey.”