Introducing our engineering team!

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Our engineering team prides itself on innovation. As our flagship metering system, OptiMate is designed to be future-proof. Our team actively explores new technologies, to ensure that our product range not only meets customer expectations but excels. 

Simon Haigh heads up our engineering department. With over 23 years of experience within the industry, Simon likes nothing more than bringing customer requests to life.  

Simon works closely with Ryan Parr, our engineering and development manager. Ryan has been with MechTronic for over 15 years and has a real hands-on approach to all things technical, providing support and training to our technical engineers.  

MechTronic Engineering Team

Alfie joined the engineering team just over a year ago and has already made an impact, with his active involvement in the creation of our OptiMate training and demonstration unit. This rig features a five-pot replica tanker with OptiMate electronic metering system, vapor recovery adaptor, anti-move, EB80 pneumatic control module, foot valves, vent valves, and overfill prevention probes to name but a few! This rig is used to test new software updates prior to rolling these out to customers and can be used as a training tool for our engineers.