How does OptiMate save our customers over £24k per year?

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OptiMate is the industry’s leading electronic metering system. Designed to save our customers over £24k per year, but how? 

The infographic opposite demonstrates the cost savings that can be made and below is a breakdown of those savings: 

  • Save £500 per truck, per year as OptiMate prevents a fuel contamination from occurring 
  • Save drivers 20 minutes per day, the equivalent of £823.33 per driver, per year due to OptiMate’s automatic line change procedure. Drivers remain at the point of delivery without any unnecessary trips to the truck.* 
  • Drivers remain at the point of delivery thanks to OptiMate’s automatic compartment change procedure, this delivers a further cost saving of £329.33 per driver, per year.** 
  • Our customers can save 450litres of fuel per week, that’s a saving of £22,815 per year due to OptiMate’s self-draining manifold and automatic line change procedures.*** 

These cost savings represent a saving of £24,467.66 per year. 

*Based on minimum wage, aged 23 and over for November 2022 

**Based on minimum wage as of November 2022 and on a 5-compartment system. 

***Based on November 2022 heating oil prices (£0.975 a litre) 

OptiMate Infographic